At Leriva, an entrepreneurial spirit pervades the organization. But in building our businesses we are firmly committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct and corporate governance. We believe in full transparency, obey all laws and adhere to every regulatory requirement. We abstain from unlawful practices and any actions that violate fair trade. Our employees have the obligation to seek guidance and advice whenever questionable legal or ethical issues arise.

The Leriva Statement of Values & Principles forms the foundation of our compliance drive. However, this is further augmented not only by the adoption of the Codes of Ethics of various industry associations, particularly the Hellenic Association of Pharmaceutical Companies, better known by its Greek acronym SFEE, and the local equivalent of MedTech, known by the acronym SEIV, which have been incorporated into our written policies and procedures, but also by our unwavering commitment to comply with the policies and procedures of our principals. Most notable in this regard is the Danaher (parent company of Beckman Coulter) Channel Partner Code of Conduct which covers areas such as anti-corruption, conflicts of interest, data privacy and competition. As part of the Danaher compliance program, Leriva’s employees participate in training sessions and are certified annually.

Today, in society there is a growing expectation that companies, organizations and individuals act in a transparent manner. This applies to relationships between the pharmaceutical industry, health care professionals (HCPs) and health care organizations (HCOs) where all interactions should be conducted with integrity and transparency.

In the pharmaceutical industry, collaboration with HCPs is extremely important. It is a relationship that has delivered numerous innovative medicines and changed the way many diseases impact on our lives. Industry and health professionals collaborate in a range of activities from clinical research, sharing best clinical practice and exchanging information on how new medicines fit into the patient pathway.

As the primary point of contact with patients, HCPs are paid for the invaluable and expert knowledge that they provide on patient outcomes and the management of diseases. This plays a crucial role in enabling the pharmaceutical industry to improve patient care, treatment options and patient outcomes. HCPs may also be paid to contribute to medical education meetings. Sharing information and best practice on state-of-the-art treatments is a driver of better health care and improving patient outcomes. As with any professional group providing services, it is fair and appropriate to remunerate health care professionals for their time and expertise.
The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) adopted a Disclosure Code pursuant to which member companies pledged to disclose the transfers of value they make to HCPs and HCOs in connection with prescription medicines, on an individual named basis. This includes, for example, sponsorship for travel and registration fees to attend medical congresses, HCP consultancy fees for speaker arrangements or for chairing meetings and grants to HCOs. Transfers of value made to HCPs and HCOs for activities related to research and development are disclosed as an aggregate number. The provisions of this Disclosure Code were subsequently transposed into Greek law and, as far as transparency is concerned, pharmaceutical companies conducting business in Greece are thus regulated by Law 4316/2014.

The Leriva Contrast Media & Imaging business unit (a division of Leriva Pharma SA) is thus compelled to adhere to the provisions of the law and in accordance with article 66, paragraph 7a, disclose and publish on its website every transfer of value granted to Health Care Professionals (HCPs) and Health Care Organizations (HCOs) on a named basis. The Methodological Notes and the Transfer of Value Reports may be accessed by clicking on the links below.

Leriva Pharma AE - Μεθοδολογικό Σημείωμα 2024
Leriva Pharma AE - Φόρμα Δημοσιοποίησης Παροχών 2023

Leriva Pharma AE - Μεθοδολογικό Σημείωμα 2023
Leriva Pharma AE - Φόρμα Δημοσιοποίησης Παροχών 2022

Leriva Pharma AE - Μεθοδολογικό Σημείωμα 2022
Leriva Pharma AE - Φόρμα Δημοσιοποίησης Παροχών 2021

Leriva Pharma AE - Μεθοδολογικό Σημείωμα 2021
Leriva Pharma AE - Φόρμα Δημοσιοποίησης Παροχών 2020

Leriva Pharma AE - Μεθοδολογικό Σημείωμα 2020
Leriva Pharma AE - Φόρμα Δημοσιοποίησης Παροχών 2019

Leriva Pharma AE - Μεθοδολογικό Σημείωμα 2019
Leriva Pharma AE - Φόρμα Δημοσιοποίησης Παροχών 2018

Leriva Imaging AE - Μεθοδολογικό Σημείωμα 2018
Leriva Imaging AE - Φόρμα Δημοσιοποίησης Παροχών 2017